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Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


Official E-mail:
Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《城市之间Between cities》 No.A00612
Title:《好牧羊人教堂 Church of the Good Shepherd》 No.A00434
Title:《传统作坊 Traditional workshop》 No.A00360
Title:《古街风情6 A Glimpse of Ancient Street 6》 No.A00427
Title:《Freebird》 No.A00853
Title:《爱在深秋》 No.A00747
Title:《栈桥晨曦》 No.A00796
Title:《边界》 No.A00018
Title:《盛装打扮》 No.A00094
Title:《元宇宙的探索 Exploration of Metaverse》 No.A00799
Title:《进门 Entering》 No.A00273
Title:《星际奇妙夜:玩具店幻境》 No.A00080
Title:《云海日出 Sunrise over the clouds》 No.A00595
Title:《群峰梳妆竞妖娆 Peaks contend for beauty》 No.A00236
Title:《美在你我他 Nature relies on everyone》 No.A00517
Title:《花冠皱盔犀鸟The Wreathed Hornbill》 No.A00449
Title:《沸腾的草原 Ebullient grassland》 No.A00775
Title:《晨曲 Morning》 No.A00292

Monochrome Section

Title:《童年 Childhood》 No.B00165
Title:《湖光树影 Tree shadows in the lake》 No.B00205
Title:《走进矿山 Walking into mine》 No.B00180
Title:《古窑青花韵》 No.B00379
Title:《Sahara Desert in sunrise》 No.B00288
Title:《禅定》 No.B00520
Title:《 Procession of the Mysteries, Taranto, Italy》 No.B00504
Title:《晨曲》 No.B00453
Title:《乡愁·回乡偶遇 Nostalgia》 No.B00315
Title:《Dear lady》 No.B00261
Title:《母女情深》 No.B00053
Title:《情深》 No.B00051
Title:《点烟 Light up》 No.B00247
Title:《紅冠水鸡育雏》 No.B00126
Title:《Bricks》 No.B00401
Title:《UNTITLED 》 No.B00353
Title:《雪多牦牛 Xueduo Yak》 No.B00154
Title:《大学士 Grand Secretary》 No.B00472

Exhibition Review